Wheel Every Weekend
Wheel Every Weekend
The overland virus: The WORST overland/off-road trends of the past decade and why influencer culture is killing the industry
I'm sure you're sick of hearing this but we were pretty shwitty by the end here so probably tune us out at like 45 minutes in. Anyways over the past decade or so we have seen some awful fads come and go, overlanding is not something i expected to blow up so large but im also the guy who thought jeep was gonna go bankrupt when they debuted the 4 door sooo... maybe my market predictions aren't accurate. We've become pretty jaded by all the stupid shit happening in the off-road influencer world and i'm hoping off-roading as a sport can survive all the negative stuff going on.
Thank you guys for listening to the podcast, this thing is blowing up! We are officially all out of stickers and have had to emergency order a ton more to keep up. Once we are moved into a larger work space we'll be setting up an actual podcast studio and doing guest interviews with the same totally transparent attitude. Seriously every single listen means a lot to us and we really enjoy doing these and seeing the growth from it, it's been great.